Meet Glenn Judo
Hey guys how y'all doing, well ok here is a short interview I had with the all known Glenn Judo I had it like earlier this month but been too busy to upload it so here it goes.
Well here are some basic things you should know about him well he is a fashion entrepreneur, he makes shoes and he is in his finally year in the university
Ok so I asked him to tell me more about himself and this is what he said :)
-Yeah , I'm a fashion entrepreneur, I make classy dress shoes for men.
The brand is called Infamous.
Website is orOr for ease
-I school at Covenant University
- I am About entering final year
- My birthday is April 15
- i am studying Economics
- i like Music, Swimming
- I am from Delta state
- and my most priceless item are my shoes
The next question i asked him was what inspired him to start up a shoe line
- I have always loved classy dress shoes, but most times the ones which catch my eyes are usually the most expensive ones and were clearly outof my budget. This gave birth to the INFAMOUS concept were you would not need to rip your budget to have your dream pair of your classy dress/formal shoes
Ok well guys you have finally seen the interview I hope it was of some use to someone out there and ok bye now xoxo.... You guys can reach him on his twitter and instagram @misterjudo_ and snapchat