How to get over a break up
Hey guys i know some of you are wondering why i am using a happy family on a topic like getting over a break up well this is how you are meant to be at the end of my steps well that's if you follow them and by the way that's like half of my family lol.... So now How to get over a break up well it's easy believe me if you decide and say i am done and its time to be HAPPY!!!!
So here it goes my four steps to get over a break up
1). Delete all the old messages and text everything including the number and don't forget the pictures (EVERYTHING) its a new beginning so out with the old and in with the new. Even if you guys ended with a good end or something like that still delete but you can keep the number but don't call except when they call you I guess that counts
2). Don't watch anything slow and sad no offence I love Adele ,Sam Smith and the rest but at that moment NO and no old love movies just basically nothing sad you understand right ok good
3). Go out make new friends like seriously it helps a lot you just start talking about something else not oh how is your ex and then you have to start talking about him or her and getting yourself worried and sad
4). Do something else you love and don't forget to keep friends like good friends close not those people that act like friends well and go out with them go shopping, go watch a movie just something else ok good.
Well i know at first its going to be hard you know with the steps but its about you deciding to and saying i am done and done for good its time to be happy and have fun well i hope this little random post helped someone out there ok then bye
Ok bye xoxo....